Heard on the Ground: RSA

by | May 20, 2024 | Cyber Risk, Market Trends

As part of our “Heard on the Ground” series, our executives share insights into what they heard on the ground at key industry events. It’s not always possible to attend every conference and we want to make sure our partners and customers feel connected to the broader ecosystem and know what trends we’re watching.

The annual RSA Conference is one of the world’s largest cybersecurity gatherings, bringing together thousands of industry professionals, experts, and vendors. It serves as a pivotal platform for discussing emerging threats and exchanging information to help combat occurrences. The conference fosters collaboration among professionals from various sectors, enabling them to build networks and share best practices. Whether policy, technology, or the latest in cyber defense strategies, the RSA Conference aims to empower the individuals who help shape the future of digital security. 

Matthieu Chan Tsin, Vice President of Cybersecurity Services, was in attendance, along with members of our executive team, and below he shares his thoughts and the biggest news from the event–


Overarching Trends

  • AI continues to be top of mind as organization’s continue to experiment with use cases. AI presents significant opportunities and challenges for cyber security and industry experts are becoming more adept at keeping pace.
  • Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin gave a keynote address and discussed the erosion of the distinction between the digital and physical realms and how today’s technologies needs to be understood as full “stacks” including software, hardware and the rules of deployment and engagement.  


Industry Announcement

  • Microsoft made a bold announcement that senior executives would be held accountable for building a culture of cyber security. Going forward, compensation for the Senior Leadership team will be partially based on the company’s progress in meeting security plans and milestones. The goal is to further embed security into the development of Microsoft’s products and services. This is significant news for SMEs since an overwhelming majority of companies use Microsoft products. This commitment is a significant step forward in driving greater security across the digital ecosystem. 


Evolving Threat

  • Researchers recently discovered a new vulnerability, TunnelVision CVE-2024-3661, that undermines VPN clients by allowing an attacker to route user traffic away from encrypted tunnels and intercept it. The problem affects all VPN providers and questions the safety of VPN traffic overall, leaving users exposed. This could have far-reaching implications for users concerned about privacy from journalists to political dissidents to researchers. 


As always, Cowbell is here to help answer any questions you may have and provide you with the best possible coverage to mitigate your risk exposures. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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