Errors & Omissions
Cowbell Prime Tech
Limits up to $5M for businesses with up to $1B in revenue
Prime Tech brings together our robust Prime 250 primary cyber coverage offering and Technology E&O on a single form, previously only available on an excess basis.

Innovation, Experience, and Value-Adds
In addition to the robust coverage that Prime Tech offers, customers often benefit from Cowbell’s innovation and services.

Businesses we can help
Prime Tech is available to technology business SMEs with up to $1B in revenue. Our preferred appetite includes:
Content Management Software
Data Analytics
Data Center/Colocation Services
Database Management Systems
Hardware Resellers
Health and Wellness Software
IT Consulting Services
IT Staffing
IT System Integrators
Mobile App Developer
Non-Mission Critical Hardware Manufacturing (Accessories)
Office Productivity Software
Contractual Damages
Reservation Software
SaaS/App Service Provider
Schedule Management System
Training Software
Web Services
The examples and descriptions provided above are for general, informational purposes only. These descriptions are for illustrative purposes and do not constitute, and should not be construed, as any guarantee of coverage. Furthermore, these descriptions do not set forth all possible scenarios and/or situations applicable to the described events. Policyholders should be aware that each situation is unique and their experience may not resemble those set forth in the above examples and descriptions. Nor should policyholders in any way rely on the above examples or descriptions as any type of guarantee or indication of how their particular situation will ultimately be resolved. Policyholders should always refer to their own Policy for specific terms and definitions applicable to their Policy. ©2024 Cowbell Cyber, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cowbell Insurance Agency LLC, State Licenses:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Coverage is offered?
- Negligence
- Breach of warranty/contract
- Misrepresentation
- Delay in delivery
- Product failures
- Copyright of software code
What are some typical Tech E&O claims scenarios?
- When a company’s technology services or products fail
- Defective hardware that is delivered to clients
- An unplanned outage resulting from a technical error
- Software that causes a glitch resulting in financial loss
- Intellectual property rights dispute from a competitor regarding media content that was posted on the website
What are the other associated costs that Prime Tech may assist with?
- Defense Costs
- Settlements or judgments
- Court Fees
- Privacy Breach Notification
- Cyber Extortion
- Data Restoration
- Social Engineering
- Business Interruption
- System Failure
- Cyber Crime