Natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires bring with them a wave of destruction, displacing communities, disrupting lives, and creating widespread confusion. Unfortunately, this chaos...
Market Trends
Cowbell Goes to Congress
The last week in June, Jack Kudale, Co-Founder and CEO of Cowbell and Matthieu Chan Tsin, Vice President of Cybersecurity Services spent two days in Washington DC with members of Congress to discuss...
Heard on the Ground: IIAT
As part of our “Heard on the Ground” series, our executives share insights into what they heard on the ground at key industry events. It’s not always possible to attend every conference and we want...
Heard on the Ground: RSA
As part of our “Heard on the Ground” series, our executives share insights into what they heard on the ground at key industry events. It’s not always possible to attend every conference and we want...
Heard on the Ground: Insurance Innovators, USA
As part of our “Heard on the Ground” series, our executives share insights into what they heard on the ground at key industry events. It’s not always possible to attend every conference and we want...
Data Breaches and Cyber Extortion Among the Most Common Event Types in Q3
In light of escalating cyber threats, the importance of robust cyber insurance has never been more evident. The industry is continuously adapting to solve new and emerging threats and providing more...
2023 Cybersecurity Trends Recap
In 2023, the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, including ransomware attacks, phishing schemes, and advanced persistent threats, poses significant risks to individuals, businesses, and...
Knocking on Carriers’ Door: Cyber Insurtechs Reaching Maturity
It is a fairly common trope in the insurance industry today - particularly since the tech crunch - to lump all insurtechs into the same bucket. For the naysayers, it’s a conveniently seductive...
Reinsuring cyber: challenges and opportunities with Julia Cederroth
The cyber reinsurance space has experienced a dramatic evolution in recent years. From cyber barely being acknowledged as a standalone insurance product to now becoming more and more mainstream,...
National Cybersecurity Strategy: Top 5 Takeaways for SMEs
Last month, the Biden-Harris Administration released a new National Cybersecurity Strategy designed to shore up the defenses and improve the resilience of our digital ecosystem. The Strategy touches...
Cowbell Blog
Grow your cyber IQ with our insights into cyber insurance, cyber risk, and cyber security.